Sunday, June 30, 2013

Nutrition And The Sportsman Paradise

By Myrtle Cash

With the enormous array of foods, fad diets and general information available in magazines and via other media, keeping fit and healthy in a sportsman paradise is quite a challenge. Different options are offered for the different sporting disciplines and are perhaps governed by the relationship between intake and the burning of calories or kilojoules. The trends also tend to change regularly, depending on the current research.

One should never replace the normal, healthy diet with all the potions and powders that are available in the health food stores. Vitamins, protein powders and pills should not be substituted for healthy eating. In order to be healthy, exercise is essential and poor eating habits can cause deficiencies in vitamins and minerals in the body. The diet should contain the correct balance of all the food groups.

Remember than when one is hiking, the weather can change very suddenly. Always be prepared for all eventualities. Your backpack should contain waterproof clothing in case of rain. Also in your bag should be a small tent in case you really need to shelter from bad weather.

Some sports are separated into summer or winter events and this would also determine where in the world they would take place. Winter sports obviously include such things as skiing, snowboarding and sledding. These sports are often practiced from a very young age. For sports such as those just mentioned, very specialized clothing and equipment are required. As many people would only participate in such events once a year, there is also the facility to hire equipment, or to borrow from friends.

Plant based foods are essential to any balanced diet. These foods provide our bodies with many necessary vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. For the reason, a vegetarian diet is very beneficial to high performing sportsmen and women. Essentially, one needs a good balance of a diet high in carbohydrates, a low fat content and an adequate amount of protein.

When shopping for a hiking jacket, remember that no all jackets are waterproof. The season will determine whether you need a lightweight jacket, or a fleece lined one. Make sure that the hood of the jacket is warm. For some of your hike you will probably be carrying your jacket in your backpack. Remember to put it on as soon as the weather cools.

Protein is necessary in sport for strength and endurance. The amount needed depends on the individuals metabolism and the intensity of the particular sport. Another vital support element is liquid. The liquid intake of all sportsmen and athletes is essential to prevent dehydration. One should be aware of the possible pitfalls of power drinks and balance them with a good amount of water to keep the body will hydrated.

There is truly a monumental amount of information out there for the sportsmen and athletes and it is always advisable to get professional advice when embarking on high intensity sports. A sportsman paradise would be totally negated if the sportsmen and women experienced nothing but aches, pains and frustration.

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