Sunday, October 9, 2011

Living Scriptures Can Make Your Sundays Fun

By Yvonne Brixey

When I was young, my parents struggled to find activities to keep their seven children busy on Sunday afternoons. Being the Sabbath Day, we didn't play with other kids or outside. My parents wanted to teach us how to keep the Sabbath Day holy. Fortunately, Living Scriptures came out with their animated scripture stories. The Book of Mormon VHS tapes were great to relieve the boredom of children on Sunday afternoons. Living scriptures animated videos were a great tool for parents trying to help their children learn about the scriptures and set a good example about proper Sabbath day observance.

Richard James, James Rich and Orson Scott Card worked together to create the Living Scriptures business. When the Living Scriptures began, Orson Scott Card wrote the stories and James Rich was the chief animator. Using a popular author such as Orson Scott Card is a great way to make the scriptures come alive. The stories are interesting and using the movie forum is a great way to help children access scripture stories. These videos are interesting and entertaining, as the animated stories make the scriptures come to life. The Living Scriptures animated stories started with the Book of Mormon, which was an unexplored sales area at the time. The popularity of these animated stories prompted the Living Scriptures to offer more products.

Today, Living Scriptures has expanded past their Book of Mormon animated stories roots. They offer a wide variety of products, from Bible story videos, to modern prophets hero stories. They even have a docudrama visit Israel cd so that you can learn about the culture in Israel. The visit Israel cds are a great choice to learn about the Hebrew background of the Bible stories. The Living Scriptures also have hero classics, which include stories about the Founding Fathers and other patriotic heros such as Abraham Lincoln and Christopher Columbus. You will be amazed at the number of different stories that the Living Scriptures gives you access to. These videos are a great product that will help your children learn about heros from all different times.

The Living Scriptures stories are also offered in a variety of venues. They have DVDs, CDs and books. You can read the scripture stories to your kids at night, or they can listen to the CDs as they make the drive to grandma's house on a Sunday. Anytime your kids want to access these stories, they can! All different ages can benefit from the Living Scriptures products. Smaller children can watch the videos, and older children can read the books. The entire family can listen to the cds together.

Originally, you could only purchase Living Scriptures through a dealer, but they have done away with that business model and partnered with Deseret Book. Working through the LDS book industry will help them maximize profits as they reach a wider audience. The great thing about being partnered with Deseret book is that now you can go to the store and pick up whichever story you want! You can also find the Living Scriptures products online; you don't even have to leave the comfort of your own home.

Living Scriptures provides quality stories so that your children have easy access to the scriptures. I know they have helped me as I have grown up with them!Living Scriptures Can Make Your Sundays Great

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