Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Making The Kill When Hunting For Alligators

By Sharon Morris

Human beings are easily among the weakest of animals when relative size is taken into account. The other great apes can boast levels of physical powers not even the most athletic people with the hardest of training regimens and the best performance enhancing drugs can ever hope to reach. Humanity is weak due to a quirk in its evolution. In exchange for muscular development, it would receive enhanced cognitive abilities. These enhanced cognitive abilities allowed human beings to realize that a pointy rock could make for a good weapon. Then it realized that attaching it to a long stick could make for an even better weapon. Using those weapons, they hunted animals. They became so good at it and became so ingrained in human instinct that to this day, people will go hunting for alligators.

There are a number of reasons that compel a person to go out and hunt. To some, wild animals may have a better quality of meat, as they do not consume the chemical cocktails that farmers feed their livestock in order to maximize their growth. Others do it as a hobby. Now, some people do it out of altruism, as a wild predator animal can become a danger to the local community.

Alligators are predators. At every place they are native to, they are the dominant species, they are the one sitting on top of the food chain. As such, they are extremely dangerous animals. Their jaws can snap shut with enough force to break bones. Despite all that, gators are typically timid around humans and will retreat if one approaches.

The hunters of old had to make do with bows and arrow, and spears. In really desperate situation, they might have nothing more than a knife. But modern hunters do not have to go without. The most important tool when hunting is the line. This where the hooks are going to go. On the hooks will go the bait. The second most important tool is either the gun, or the bang stick, a long pole with a bullet which it will fire.

Speaking of bait, it is almost impossible to hunt gators without it. Setting bait is an important tactic for any hunter. Instead of tracking an animal, an animal comes to where a hunter wants it to go. Since alligators a predator animal, the bait used should be meat of some kind. This meat is then placed on hooks which are attached to the lines. A gator hunter is also going to need a boat.

It is better to trap than to track. Gators can stay submerged for very long periods of time. They can also move fast.

Once a gator takes the bait, a hunter has to pull the line in, pulling the gator up out from the water. Once the head is visible above the water, the next step is to take a single, close range shot to the head to kill it. Ideally, it should only take one bullet, as any additional blemishes will degrade its value, it is for this reason that a shotgun, which fires multiple pellets instead of a single slug, is not recommended despite being ideal for hunting birds and terrestrial animals. Once the thing is dead, it should be hauled up on a boat.

A dead alligator can be yield a profit. The meat can be sold and then eaten. It can also be skinned and that skin can be made into leather goods. It can also be turned into a trophy.

Man kills. There is an aggression in human beings. Tracking and killing fauna is just one way to let it out.

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