Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Carp Boilie Ingredients For Great Homemade Baits!

By Tim Richardson

Catching more big carp is much easier when you know some very stimulating details about bait components, how fish sense your baits, how to manipulate fish physiology to make fish want to eat our baits more and more! Many of the questions anglers ask about baits and fishing are pretty irrelevant compared to some of the most important which are so often over-looked because the angler is so conditioned to thinking like a commercially-manipulated angler instead of thinking like a fish which is far superior of course! When your thinking about baits choices and how to manipulate fish senses and behaviours in our favour against them begins with the fish themselves you have incredible potential power compared to anglers who merely follow the herd!

To begin with, when thinking about bait, why begin with the bait itself? Why not begin with the fish and what they are most sensitive to? When you know and understand what fish are sensitive to you have so much power over them. You can manipulate bait substances and exploit (and even condition) various fish senses against them to make them easier to catch!

When speaking to many fellow anglers it is clear that the vast majority are dependant on expensive readymade boilies and pellets. When you are dependant upon readymade baits instead of producing your own, your bait budget is to a very large extent decided by the pricing of readymade baits. When anglers are dependant on readymade baits they are completely at the mercy of others to decide their bait modes of action and competitiveness over other baits, and cost; which is not necessarily an ideal situation to be in!

Why allow someone else to decide your fishing budget when you can do it yourself and save an absolute fortune?! Whether your readymade baits cost you 5 pounds or 12 pounds a kilogram you can undercut and vastly reduce this cost and still out-fish all those popular readymade baits - when you know how! Once again you need to know some of the most vitally important details of fish senses, and how to best exploit them to get most bites by leveraging various (endlessly varied) combinations of ingredients, special compounds, liquid foods, flavour components, oils etc.

So what kind of mistakes do beginners in bait-making do that can be avoided? Personally I have found that well over 80 percent of my own homemade readymade baits catch fish right from the first cast on a range of waters, (this has been over a period of 31 years.) Some waters really do require more specially designed baits for various reasons including the need to out-compete other baits or to avoid using bait ingredients and substances used previously, perhaps in many readymade baits, that fish are now feed too cautiously on or will avoid completely due to fear of being hooked!

Probably the commonest mistake bait-making beginners make is formulating a bait based on their personal opinions and own human perceptions of bait substances aromas, smells, tastes etc. The best way to avoid limiting success of your baits is to start with the fish and what they are most sensitive. Basing your baits on fish sensitivities is the most powerful starting point and this encourages you to think like a carp and not like an angler merely choosing a readymade bait flavour that thousands of others may have previously already exploited so massively reducing any competitive advantages.

Some really great bait substances are not necessarily effective used on their own in water, but work at their peak in synergistic ways alongside other bait substances to produce maximum effects on fish. Certain bait substances can be termed habit-forming and these do not have to be anything exotic or unusual; I would include essential amino acids and certain non-essential acids in this category. So many carp angler have somehow become conditioned to think that if their bait has very little flavours or smells that they can detect that their bait is going to be less effective, but the truth can very easily be the opposite! In terms of linking fish senses and bait tastes, flavours and aromas for instance, carp can sense substances in solution down to just a few parts in a million and detect subtle energy fields in many ways in effect, so including almost any substance in your bait will be detected to some degree even it you cannot smell it or taste it or even if it supposedly inert in terms of our comparatively extremely dull human senses!

Carp are such highly evolved creatures able to adapt sensitivity to substances, sense completely new substances in water, identify new food sources and monopolise them to their own benefit. You can condition and train carp just the same as dogs by repetition of positive rewards (using new and thus safer baits.) The carp bait substances you choose literally manipulate their behaviours as they influence which hormones production which forms of physical actions; for instance the filter feeding on dissolved bait substances, or movement towards baited areas following concentration gradients, or intensive competitive feeding and repeated bait consumption. (For more information see my website Baitbigfish, my unique ebooks and biography right now!)

By Tim Richardson.

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