Those who are extreme surfers know the importance of protecting their equipment. If the board is left out in the sun or on a sandy beach, it can be damaged from the exposure. When you travel or transport it, you can damage it even more severely. By having surfboard socks or other types of bags, you can protect it and keep it in good shape regardless of the conditions it is exposed to. Traveling on airplanes can be especially dangerous to the boards.
There are several different types that are available. They range from socks to bags to coffins. You can even make them yourself or have custom ones made with your own logo or design. Many professional surfers have matching designs on the bag and the board. If you're seeking to be a professional competitive surfer, you can get your sponsor to pay for the designs.
The sock is the first type. This one is the most basic but is actually the most recommended. Even with the other bags for protection, the sock is a good basic form fitting protection. Many surfers will put these on before they put them in the more sturdy bags. They can also be folded up and put in the bigger bag. They will protect from basic scratches, but won't keep the board cool in the sun.
The next step up is called the bag. It comes with a small amount of padding and can hold a single board. The nice thing about this one is that it can keep the board cooler while it sits in the sun. This will keep the wax from melting inside the bag, which could create a mess otherwise. The colors and designs can be made to match the boards. Since they're made from more dense material, they usually have to be hand cleaned.
The best option is the coffin. They call it this because it is designed to be big enough to hold several boards with maximum protection. These are most recommended for those that travel on planes to various locations to surf. The damage that could be done without this protection is pretty severe. Again, using the sock first, then placing the boards inside the coffin offers the best level of protection when traveling.
You can custom design the bags. Any of the three types can be made to fit your board perfectly. The colors and designs can also be customized when you order them. If you have your own brand, this is a great way to show off even when you're not out on the waves.
DIY type of socks isn't as hard as you think. Using Lycra is the best choice because it has a bit of stretch and can form fit the board. Cotton is often used, but since it doesn't stretch you want to be sure you make it big enough and put a drawstring on the open end so it won't slip off the board.
Protecting your board is important whether you are traveling or just going to the local beach. When you take time to care for it by waxing it before and after use, it is a good idea to go to the next level and protect it from the sun and from damage while traveling. Those getting on an airplane should invest in the coffin to keep travel damage from happening.
There are several different types that are available. They range from socks to bags to coffins. You can even make them yourself or have custom ones made with your own logo or design. Many professional surfers have matching designs on the bag and the board. If you're seeking to be a professional competitive surfer, you can get your sponsor to pay for the designs.
The sock is the first type. This one is the most basic but is actually the most recommended. Even with the other bags for protection, the sock is a good basic form fitting protection. Many surfers will put these on before they put them in the more sturdy bags. They can also be folded up and put in the bigger bag. They will protect from basic scratches, but won't keep the board cool in the sun.
The next step up is called the bag. It comes with a small amount of padding and can hold a single board. The nice thing about this one is that it can keep the board cooler while it sits in the sun. This will keep the wax from melting inside the bag, which could create a mess otherwise. The colors and designs can be made to match the boards. Since they're made from more dense material, they usually have to be hand cleaned.
The best option is the coffin. They call it this because it is designed to be big enough to hold several boards with maximum protection. These are most recommended for those that travel on planes to various locations to surf. The damage that could be done without this protection is pretty severe. Again, using the sock first, then placing the boards inside the coffin offers the best level of protection when traveling.
You can custom design the bags. Any of the three types can be made to fit your board perfectly. The colors and designs can also be customized when you order them. If you have your own brand, this is a great way to show off even when you're not out on the waves.
DIY type of socks isn't as hard as you think. Using Lycra is the best choice because it has a bit of stretch and can form fit the board. Cotton is often used, but since it doesn't stretch you want to be sure you make it big enough and put a drawstring on the open end so it won't slip off the board.
Protecting your board is important whether you are traveling or just going to the local beach. When you take time to care for it by waxing it before and after use, it is a good idea to go to the next level and protect it from the sun and from damage while traveling. Those getting on an airplane should invest in the coffin to keep travel damage from happening.
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Get a summary of the things to consider before buying surfboard socks and view our selection of top-quality socks at now.
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