Friday, August 1, 2014

Globalization Requires Corporate Language Learning Solutions

By Annabelle Holman

The movements of globalization in the corporate landscape has muddied the line between cultural and language differences. Corporate language learning solutions are offered in countless varieties, but companies are finding it hard to determine how to best develop the newly required skills. Business growth depends on customer service, business development, and sales; but these important factors also now depend on language, cultural understanding, and corporate etiquette.

You must present yourself in a professional and respectable manner, both physically and orally, to adhere to the proper corporate etiquette. Body language and word choice hold a lot of weight on how people view you as a person. Be careful of how you conduct yourself in the workplace, since this reputation may determine if you fail or succeed in your career.

The general disposition of a person determines whether he or she is treated with respect at work or not. Warm, approachable people are usually offered more opportunities for success than those who seem more distant or closed-off. To avoid being labeled as unsociable, actively respond to others and always make the effort to be personable.

Don't be afraid to greet new people and identify yourself. Being welcoming to others is considered good etiquette, and not doing so can actually be considered rude. Not being friendly and sociable is much worse than being overly welcoming. Therefore, try your best to be courteous yet personable to build your reputation among the higher-ups.

Be as polite as possible by calling people by titles like Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Never directly call someone by their first name unless you're very comfortable with them or they've asked you to do so. It's also important that you don't bad-mouth any colleagues, since this may just make you sound petty. Speak well about fellow employees, always think before you speak, and listen intently to others.

Listening intently is important when you want to think of an intelligent response. You also need to keep the tone of your voice welcoming. Monotone voices will show that you're bored of the conversation, while a sharp tone might show that you're aggressive. Another important warning is not to use any slang or vulgar and offensive language.

Be mindful of the body language you might be showing that unintentionally indicates a negative feeling. Understanding familiar gestures will help you quite a bit. Folding your arms show you're defensive, turning your body towards someone is inviting, and turning just your head and shoulders can show something that you disapprove or are dismissive. You need to be careful in all these movements, as you could look disrespectful.

A smile can show that you're friendly and warm, while keeping regular eye contact can show that you're interested in what he or she has to say. One thing you should be careful of is not to stare too intently. You can overwhelm people and actually make them feel uncomfortable. You should also nod your head frequently to show that you're listening and agree. However, too much nodding can show impatience.

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