Thursday, June 27, 2013

Conflict And Unrest Part Of Prophecy In The News Today

By Lynn Beard

For the last decade the world has been fully grounded in war and conflict. Acts of terror around the world are at an all new high. With this comes an ever increasing need to understand the world we live in, and make sense of the changes occurring. More and more people are looking inwardly, seeking spiritual answers and following prophecy in the news today.

This is because many believe the changes of today were the predictions of yesterday, pointing to prophecies in the Christian Bible the described in detail many of the things happening today. This is also not the only prediction contained in the pages of the bible that have come about. Those who believe in biblical prophesies point to Christ's birth and death and the rise of Christianity itself as having been foretold thousands of years ago.

The book of Isaiah and the passion psalm seem to confirm this. There are also many details of Christ's life that were predicted before his arrival. He would be a man from Galilee and he would ride a donkey into the city of Bethlehem. This event described in the old testament become fact in the new testament when Jesus is celebrated with psalm leaves as he rides into the city on a donkey.

Today, many teachers point out that just as God fulfilled the many predictions in reference to Jesus birth and death, that God will also fulfill the predictions of his second coming. Prophesy is then mainly related to the Christian faith. It is believers that are most concerned with prophesy and what is referred to in Christianity as the last days.

They believe the conflicts and confusion can be understood within the framework of man's dissatisfaction being exercised in his own destructive free will. Also contained in the prophecies related to the last days is a one world currency, which was discussed several times in the last year. A number, described in the bible as being on the forehead or forearm of some people, is also foretold. A smart card in-plant is now being tested that may someday fulfill that prophesy.

A variety of websites exist for obtaining information about prophecies and world events. These assist people in understanding prophecy in the right way and how the events fit into a greater plan. This helps make sense of things happening.

Teachers explain current events in context of the book of Revelations in the bible, and discuss topics related to world news, last of times theologies, and prophetic signs to look for. Many of them also discuss how current conflicts are related to Biblical prophesies. They also describe how these prophesies were foretold about the Middle East, Europe, or Africa.

They pull all this together and connect it to all the things currently happening in the world. Both the uprisings in nations and monetary catastrophe are foretold. Revelations is the book with most information, but also Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Thessalonians, and Matthew. Those interested in these studies can find them at sites that allow video uploading, blogs, magazines, and shows concerning prophecy in the news today.

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