After I put an end to a tumultuous relationship last month, the aftermath became pretty ugly in the following weeks. My erstwhile beau began to text me with upsetting messages. He was obviously hurt by what I had done and had warned me that he would kill me if we ever crossed paths again.
The news was enough to frighten a good buddy of mine who knew the deranged ways of this particular boyfriend. He suggested that I get myself a Taser stun gun and went on to tell me that Tasers, being self-defense devices, are capable of crippling the bad guys. He offered that I should bring one to foil a possible assault.
As I went online to check out various kinds of Tasers, I found the Taser M26C that had an intimidating built. Later, I realized that its manufacture was inspired by the advanced Taser provided to the cops. I next found the Taser X26C that was lighter and littler. A digital power magazine served as its power supply.
However, I ordered the Taser C2 with laser sight over another variation, the Taser C2 without laser sight. After owning this C2 Taser for women stun gun, it saved me from an attack.
What happened was that I found my previous beau hanging around the car park where he knew my automobile would be. My heart beat faster after I finally saw him since the separation because of the threats that he had made. I hurriedly went to my vehicle so that I could leave the premises. I made sure to grab the C2 Taser for women from the back seat.
Unfortunately, my tormentor noticed my car and ran to its direction. He appeared to be fuming in anger. Knowing him, I was aware that he would likely be violent towards me. So, I brought out the C2 Taser for women and took aim even if he was several meters away, with help from the laser ability of the Taser C2. A pair of darts attached to the weapon by wires that were a length of 15 feet pierced through his clothes.
I quickly saw how effective the Taser C2 with laser sight is. After the darts found their mark, he was shocked. That was because 50,000 volts of electricity got transferred to his body. He was debilitated after a few seconds and I screamed for help at car park security.
When the guards came, I told them that I knew the guy, even showing them the texts that he had sent me as well as the C2 Taser for women that I employed to bring down that clown.
The news was enough to frighten a good buddy of mine who knew the deranged ways of this particular boyfriend. He suggested that I get myself a Taser stun gun and went on to tell me that Tasers, being self-defense devices, are capable of crippling the bad guys. He offered that I should bring one to foil a possible assault.
As I went online to check out various kinds of Tasers, I found the Taser M26C that had an intimidating built. Later, I realized that its manufacture was inspired by the advanced Taser provided to the cops. I next found the Taser X26C that was lighter and littler. A digital power magazine served as its power supply.
However, I ordered the Taser C2 with laser sight over another variation, the Taser C2 without laser sight. After owning this C2 Taser for women stun gun, it saved me from an attack.
What happened was that I found my previous beau hanging around the car park where he knew my automobile would be. My heart beat faster after I finally saw him since the separation because of the threats that he had made. I hurriedly went to my vehicle so that I could leave the premises. I made sure to grab the C2 Taser for women from the back seat.
Unfortunately, my tormentor noticed my car and ran to its direction. He appeared to be fuming in anger. Knowing him, I was aware that he would likely be violent towards me. So, I brought out the C2 Taser for women and took aim even if he was several meters away, with help from the laser ability of the Taser C2. A pair of darts attached to the weapon by wires that were a length of 15 feet pierced through his clothes.
I quickly saw how effective the Taser C2 with laser sight is. After the darts found their mark, he was shocked. That was because 50,000 volts of electricity got transferred to his body. He was debilitated after a few seconds and I screamed for help at car park security.
When the guards came, I told them that I knew the guy, even showing them the texts that he had sent me as well as the C2 Taser for women that I employed to bring down that clown.
About the Author:
Frankee C Muhammad is one of the most well known advisors on non-lethal self defense products. Choosing the proper self defense product is smarter than spending years learning martial arts. You have many choices, including disguised stun guns, pepper sprays and personal alarms. He provides full support and instruction on using the products.
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