The departed is a two thousand six released crime drama and action flick that revolves around the Irish American cartels. The movie is a complex crux of two men who play double agents for their respective bosses; the police and the mafia.
The film plot is very strong and is circling around the concept of human betrayal, greed and intimacy feelings all conjugated under the fight of the law with lawlessness. Normally most of us witness brilliant police officers joining the crime ranks in order to spy on the lawless mongers but this time these mongers prepare a great defense in shape of their spy within the law agency troops.
Billy is basically depicted as the central good cop character whose family connections with the mafia land him in the job of spying on the cartels and the bad guys. He is quick enough to capitalize on his prevalent connections within the mafia and gains unsurpassed respect as a mob leader. This helps him greatly in getting the gist of all the criminal planning being done and helps him tip off the fellow cops in order to stop the execution of those plans.
Collin Sullivan, the mafia man in the police, on the other hands is as sharp and cunning as Billy and quickly moves to higher positions within the Police special investigation units. His double role is appreciated because this is one factor that makes this film different from other mafia movies. His affiliation with the wrong side of the law makes him the only leading character in the movie that attracts the critics as well as the general film audience.
As the film progresses, it becomes evident to the mafia and police chiefs that they have black sheeps within their lineups. This is the point where the movie seriously gains some momentum and both the double agents start to unveil the identity of each other in order to stay clean in their records. This is the moment when the human emotions comes in full play and the choices left with both the double agents is either to turn themselves in or to play their mates and colleagues into the shackles of treachery.
The last half of the movie is something worth looking forward too. Although it might not be on the most action filled thrillers but the intensity and depth of the drama is absolutely worth watching. In these scenes Billy and Collin move toward a head to head collision based on the Collins discovery that Billy is actually working for the cops and is about to turn the whole gang in.
Billy is seen going after Collin in order to convince him to leave the gang and use his immunity in order to get a normal life back. This argument and trail ends up with Billy getting shot at by Collin which results in his death.
The departed also focuses on the strength of good versus bad. The whole film has the capacity to involve the audience within the story line. The movie is good drama with some great action parts.
The film plot is very strong and is circling around the concept of human betrayal, greed and intimacy feelings all conjugated under the fight of the law with lawlessness. Normally most of us witness brilliant police officers joining the crime ranks in order to spy on the lawless mongers but this time these mongers prepare a great defense in shape of their spy within the law agency troops.
Billy is basically depicted as the central good cop character whose family connections with the mafia land him in the job of spying on the cartels and the bad guys. He is quick enough to capitalize on his prevalent connections within the mafia and gains unsurpassed respect as a mob leader. This helps him greatly in getting the gist of all the criminal planning being done and helps him tip off the fellow cops in order to stop the execution of those plans.
Collin Sullivan, the mafia man in the police, on the other hands is as sharp and cunning as Billy and quickly moves to higher positions within the Police special investigation units. His double role is appreciated because this is one factor that makes this film different from other mafia movies. His affiliation with the wrong side of the law makes him the only leading character in the movie that attracts the critics as well as the general film audience.
As the film progresses, it becomes evident to the mafia and police chiefs that they have black sheeps within their lineups. This is the point where the movie seriously gains some momentum and both the double agents start to unveil the identity of each other in order to stay clean in their records. This is the moment when the human emotions comes in full play and the choices left with both the double agents is either to turn themselves in or to play their mates and colleagues into the shackles of treachery.
The last half of the movie is something worth looking forward too. Although it might not be on the most action filled thrillers but the intensity and depth of the drama is absolutely worth watching. In these scenes Billy and Collin move toward a head to head collision based on the Collins discovery that Billy is actually working for the cops and is about to turn the whole gang in.
Billy is seen going after Collin in order to convince him to leave the gang and use his immunity in order to get a normal life back. This argument and trail ends up with Billy getting shot at by Collin which results in his death.
The departed also focuses on the strength of good versus bad. The whole film has the capacity to involve the audience within the story line. The movie is good drama with some great action parts.
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